Friday, July 12, 2013

What the fuck is up with the Far Cry 3 handbook entries?

So in Far Cry 3, there's an in-game handbook with little blurbs about basically everything in the game - weapons, people, even the different flowers.

The content of these blurbs range from boring, to funny, to BONE-CHILLINGLY HORRIFYING. Seriously.

I can tell you'd like an example. Here's the text from the entry for the wild boars:

"Hope you aren't kosher, because boars are the primary food source on Rook Island".

(Side note: some of the entries refer to "Rook Island" and others say "The Rook Islands". Which is it? It's like the writers forgot there are 2 damn islands in the game. What did they call the South Island? "South Island"? So we have 2 islands to explore in Far Cry 3: Rook Island and the South Island. GJ, Ubisoft.)

Anyway... so that was pretty harmless right? Not really funny, but cute at least. Now here's the entry for the jellyfish:

"The screams through the night. The hot air of explosions shaking the treetops. The bodies. Some faceless. They were only following orders."

Jesus Christ, when did Far Cry 3 become Apocalypse Now: the Game? Every time I read that, I laugh because it's so jarring - completely at odds with the tone of the game.

Want more? Here's the entry for the fucking seagull:

"Every night I watch the skies from inside my bunker. They'll come back. If I watch they'll come. I can hear the voices from the sky. Calling my name. There's the ridge. The guns in the jungle. Screaming. Smoke. The blood. All over my hands."

Again, holy fuck. Where is this coming from? As far as I know, only these 2 animals' entries are this weird. A lot of them are lame, but none of them are this out-there. Why? I'm not sure, but I have a theory.

These 2 animals, seagull and jellyfish, are both huge pains in the ass to actually kill. The seagulls are only found on the beaches and fly the hell away from you pretty much as soon as they see you, so you have to be a little creative. The jellyfish, on the other hand, are literally invulnerable - the only way to kill them is to go to a certain part of the ocean that's glitched out and is just a normal patch of seafloor you can walk around on, and throw a Molotov at one. Obviously, the average gamer is not going to give a shit about these handbook entries (which don't count towards anything), so they'll probably never see any of these entries.

And since they figured no one would go to the trouble of getting these entries, the writers probably wrote something fucked up for fun. Like I said, I can't confirm this, but it seems the most logical answer.

The next best explanation is that they intended for these entries to seem like they were ripped from the script for The Deer Hunter just to... I dunno. Enhance the atmosphere? Maybe they thought it would be funny? I don't know, but it's interesting, and I like games that interesting tidbits hidden in them. Especially after I thought I had pretty much beaten this game to a pulp.

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