Monday, December 29, 2014

Good tunes from 2014

Well, since its almost New Years I figured I would hop on the bandwagon and pop out a "best of 2014" list, which in the process of writing made me realize how terrible my memory is -- I seriously almost had trouble remembering what stuff came out this year (a lot of good shit, actually). Feast your eyes (in no particular order):

Fallujah - The Flesh Prevails

Starting off with probably the most polarizing release this year, Fallujah's weird ass "deathgaze" didn't go over well with everyone - nor did the apparently spotty production of the album (which I was lucky enough to not encounter). I'm not quite as fond of it as I was when I reviewed it, but it remains a very bold, very interesting album that is definitely worth a listen.

Destrage - Are You Kidding Me? No

Topping the list of "quirkiest albums released this year", this little gem was the biggest sleeper hit of the year for me. Bizarre lyrics, great riffs, and an incredibly long album title -- aren't foreign bands the best?

Pallbearer - Foundations of Burden

Pallbearer is hot stuff right now, and for good reason -- they've managed to breathe new life into the ancient mummy that is doom (plus, look at that album art!). If you listen to nothing else on this list, this is the one album you need to check out.

Tempel - On the Steps of the Temple

Another true sleeper, these guys came out of nowhere with their debut album and absolutely crushed it. Good riffs? Check. Actual use of dynamics and quiet time? Check. Amazing artwork and atmosphere? Mega-check. These guys are up there with Pallbearer as the bands I'll be keeping an eye on in 2015.

Triptykon - Melana Chasmata

Finally, I feel like I have to mention this record. Tom Warrior's group knocked it out of the park with this one, delivering a dark, fuzzy (or slimy, looking at that artwork) bunch of songs that still don't sound quite like anything else, despite how long ole' Tommy boy has been at this.

Honorable Mentions

Opeth - Pale Communion

When I first reviewed this album, I wasn't a huge fan and mentioned how it just wasn't clicking with me -- well, revisiting it now I'm glad to say it totally has (and strongly enough to get me to buy a physical coy). I'm a huge fan of Opeth's shift into weird creepy prog, and I'm very interested to see how they'll follow up.

Haken - Restoration

While I'm not the biggest fan of the new version of "Blind", I loved most of this EP. "Crystallized" is one of the best progressive songs I've heard in a long time, and just like with Opeth I can't wait to see what these guys do after The Mountain and this disc. 

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