Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Trials - This Ruined World

Top-notch riffing and an impeccable sense of timing, Trials comes out of nowhere with this excellent sleeper hit.

While re-thrash is no longer the de facto face of metal, a devoted group of bands is still trying to solve this musical Rubik's Cube left seemingly broken and unusable by the founding fathers of the genre, and Trials' This Ruined World lines up at all the right angles.

Adopting a similar approach to Skeletonwitch's blending of styles, This Ruined World is a razor-sharp splice of high-speed riffs a la Havoc tucked in among some of the best riffs this side of Lightning to the Nations with a very impressive grasp of optimal song length -- like the 'Witch and Revocation, Trials knows how exactly how long they need. One of the best re-thrash releases ever and certainly one of the highlights of this year.

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