Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dream the Electric Sleep - Heretic

I recently stumbled onto these guys (thank you Bandcamp) and man am I glad I did. Dream the Electric Sleep is a.. um... progressive shoegaze (?) band from Kentucky that just released their 2nd album, "Heretics". Their first album came out in 2011 so they're still pretty new, and they're making some pretty cool tunes, so check them out.

So yeah, progressive shoegaze? Yeah, that probably isn't the best way to describe them, but they aren't just straight-up prog rock or full-on shoegaze -- try to imagine Steven Wilson's talent at building atmosphere, paired with a healthy dose of indie rock chutzpuh and a proclivity for trance-like compositions: think Dark Side of the Moon-era Pink Floyd with a post-rock indie tinge to it. These guys have progressed considerably as songwriters since their debut album Lost and Gone Forever. as every one of these songs have their own sonic identities that help them stand alone without standing apart.

Literally every song has its own melodic hook, similar to Haken's Aquarius where each song had one big vocal motif/idea that the song revolved around, but on a smaller scale - there aren't really any solos, and the composition of the music itself is much stronger than usual. No bullshit noodling or filler, just well-done music for the low, low price of free. Give em' a shot.

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