Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Revocation - Deathless

As intricately constructed as any of their previous works, Deathless sees Revocation focusing on stronger hooks and tighter songwriting than ever before, with brilliant results  

Every so often a band comes along that captures the fickle hearts of the metal community, is hoisted aloft on their flabby shoulders and is proclaimed as the new poster child of the genre, and with Deathless, Revocation seems like a group that everyone seems to like (hint: it's cause they're really good).

If you've heard a Revocation album before, you have a good frame of reference for what Deathless is all about (Skeletonwitch is acceptable substitute). Revocation's songs tend to be longer and proggier than the 'Witch's, but both bands produce material in a grab-bag style of genres including thrash, black, death, tech, prog, and more, culminating in a kind of metal melting pot that defies easy classification, although I will risk over-simplification and just call Revocation technical death-thrash for now (really rolls off the tongue, eh?).

You may have heard rumors of Deathless being "simple" or "straight ahead" compared the Bostonians' earlier efforts - and I would say those rumors are mostly true. There aren't any banjos or horn sections, and what the disc lacks in experimentation it makes up for with sheer polish and songwriting flair (plus enough sweet guitarmonies to make Tom Scholz jealous). From the title track's blues-infused guitar solo to the filthy riffage (and wrist-snap-inducing drumming) of "Scorched Earth Policy", to the instrumental "Apex" (think "YYZ" if it had been written by Kerry King) and the powerful closer "Witch Trials" and its sublime outro.

With Deathless, Revocation make it clear to everyone within earshot that even after 4 albums, that they don't plan on slowing down or phoning it in anytime soon. A truly committed outfit with a talent and work ethic that the rest of the genre could stand to learn from -- these guys are well worth your support.

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